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By drinking 1.5 liters of coca cola together, one can also die,

Chinese man dies after chugging 1.5L bottle of Co, By drinking 1.5 liters of coca cola together

Chinese man dies after chugging 1.5L bottle of Co
general knowledge

By drinking 1.5 liters of coca cola together, one can also die. A man from China tried to drink a 1.5 liter bottle of coca cola in 10 seconds and he drank it completely but he died shortly after drinking because the man's body became too much gas Was . Do you also like to drink coca cola?

The tests carried out revealed that the patient - who had no underlying health issues - had an elevated heart rate, low blood pressure and rapid breathing. CT scans found he had pneumatosis, an abnormal presence of gas, in the wall of his intestine and his portal vein. 

A man in China is said to have died after he quickly drank 1.5 litres of Coca-Cola in a span of 10 minutes, according to doctors. As reported by the Daily Mail, the 22-year-old had drunk the soft drink to cool off in the heat.

The man has been identified as a resident of Beijing. His rapid consumption of Coca-Cola created a fatal build-up of gas inside his body that deprived the man’s liver of oxygen and ultimately led to his demise.

Six hours after he chugged the drink he was rushed to Beijing’s Chaoyang Hospital, after he complained of severe stomach swelling. The initial tests carried out on the patient revealed worrying signs, including an elevated heart rate, rapid breathing, low blood pressure, and Ischemic hepatitis, which is also called “shock liver". Doctors stated that the condition is caused by insufficient flow of blood to the liver.

According to a detailed report by doctors that was published in the Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology journal, the manner in which the man drank the soda lead to a gas building up in his intestines that later leaked into one of the main blood vessels of the liver.

He was given medication to protect his liver and stabilise other body functions from further deterioration, but even after 12 hours, the blood test results showed serious liver damage. The man’s condition worsened further, leading to his death after 18 hours of treatment.

Instead, he feels that the man’s passing could’ve been due to a bacterial infection. These bacteria could’ve formed a pocket of gas in the intestinal wall, which then leaked into other parts of the body, such as the portal vein, according to Davies.

The chemistry professor added that while the soft drink could’ve contributed to the problem, it likely wasn’t the prevailing factor in his passing.

“It’s possible, but not necessary that likely, that drinking a large amount of carbonated drink could have had an exacerbating affect,” he said. “But with no underlying condition it is very hard to see what could have happened.”

Davies added that more info was needed before he drew conclusions regarding the man’s cause of death.