Gujarat Chief Minister launches EnagarMobile App
Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani has launched EnagarMobile Application and Portal.
Einagar comprises of 10 modules with 52 services including
property tax, professional tax, water and drainage, grievance and grievance
redressal, building permit, fire and emergency services.
Gujarat Urban Development Mission has been appointed as a
nodal agency for the Einagar project.
The state of Gujarat is quite a more technology-driven state
in comparison to the other states of India. The e-governance of the state is
among the best e-governance platforms in the country. e-Nagar is also one such
technology-driven project of Gujarat state. The portal offers a broad range of
citizen-centric services. Citizens of the state can use the portal efficiently
for all kinds of services ranging from the estate, water, tax to registration
of marriage.
In this article we are discussing about the eNagar portal by
the Gujarat Government. The portal offers varied range of services, we will
discuss some of these services in the article. Readers will get information on
Registration and Login to the portal. In addition to this, citizens can also
learn about how to book halls, get building permission and get license for
shops and other establishments. Also, hawker license registration is also
available on the portal.
- The objective is to have a
cost & time efficient, transparent and scalable Web based citizen
centric service and back office operation support system which is easily
distributable and customizable for further replication in all
Municipalities across the Gujarat.
- Make all Government services
accessible to the common man in his locality, through common service
delivery outlets and ensure efficiency, transparency & reliability of
such services to realize the basic needs of the common man.
- Enhance citizen service through
efficient, responsive and transparent eGovernance systems which reduces
the time frame for approving and fast realization of the revenue.
- Standardize eGovernance solutions across different ULBs, on interoperable technology platforms
with compatibility for forward and backward integration.
- Government of Gujarat has
launched the e-Nagar project to bring all the Urban Local Bodies at par on
a common platform with regard to e-governance and m-governance. A
centralized solution is anticipated to bring citizen centric services and
solution for ULBs along with tailoring of existing applications of various
Municipal corporations/ULBs to this centralized platform.
- In this context, Urban
Development & Urban Housing Department has appointed Gujarat Urban
Development Mission as a Nodal Agency for e-Nagar Project. Total 170
locations (162 Municipalities and 8 Municipal Corporations) are covered in
eNagar Project.
eNagarProject covers 10 Modules with 52 services as below:
1. Property Tax |
6. Professional Tax |
2. Water & Drainage |
7. Complaint Module / Grievance redressal |
3. Building Permission |
8. Fire & Emergency Services |
4. Registration of Marriage |
9. Land & Estate Management |
5. License module |
10. Hall Booking |