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Current Affairs 3

current Affairs

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  current affairs questions

41. In which following element found in hemoglobin.

— Iron

42. Which gland is both exo and endocrine gland?

— Pancreas

43. Which is the type of movement that occurs during opening and

closing of flower?

— Nastic movement

44. How many region found in human brain-

— 3

45. The saliva helps in the digestion of which thing?

— Starch

46. Deficiency of vitamin - B6 cause in mole--..

— Anemia

47. Dialysis can separate which in addition to the glucose from human


— Protein

48. Palaeobotany is the branch of botany, what do we study about in this


— Plant fossils

49. Which plant yeilds biodiesel or biofuel?

— Jatropha curcas

50. What is the net gain of energy from one gram mole of glucose

during aerobic respiration?

— 38 ATP

51. In which found in tobacco-

— Nicotine

52. Largest organ of human body is-

— Liver

53. Which is known as 'graveyard of RBCs'?

— Spleen

54. What is the introduction of foreign genes for improving genotype?

— Immunisation

55. In which blood group is universal acceptor-

— AB

56. Who got noble prize for artificial synthesis of DNA?

— Kornberg

57. Which of the following will provide maximum roughage to our diet,

if taken in equal mass?

— Cabbage

58. First success heart transplantation done by-

— C.N. Banard

59. In which animal, is skin a respiratory organ?

— Frog

60. Human blood appere red due to-

— Due to hemoglobin

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